# Overview

In order to avoid conflict with other Front Matter (opens new window), some of the following Front Matter will start with auto.

# autoPrev/autoNext

If you want more precise sorting, such as other-filename before current-filename, you could add autoPrev in the current markdown file:

autoPrev: other-filename

If you want other-filename behind current markdown file:

autoNext: other-filename

If it points to a file that does not exist, it will not be displayed in the sidebar, and throws "your filename 指向了不存在的文件".

# autoSort

It is more friendly than built-in rules and simpler than autoPrev/autoNext.

All files will be sorted according to the value of autoSort, with larger values coming first and smaller values coming second. Note that negative values will be sorted after files that do not have the autoSort property.

autoSort: 1

If you want the README file to always be in the front, you can configure it in the plugin:

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      sort: {
        readmeFirstForce: true

# sidebarDepth

A page can also override this value via YAML front matter:

sidebarDepth: 2

# autoIgnore

If you want some markdown file do not display in the sidebar:

autoIgnore: true

# more groups

If you want to divide the files in a folder into more groups:

autoGroup-2: 数组方法
# autoGroup+10: group10

Among them, - and + choose one. - means below the default group, + means above the default group, and the number behind the symbol determines the order.

Here is a example:

配置1 配置2

