# 0. more questions

If the following answers cannot solve your confusion, you can create an issue (opens new window).

# 1. Can it really generate the sidebar automatically?

Sorry, my original intention is this, but everyone's needs are not consistent, and I can only find a balance among them 😿.

# 2. Why page 404?

The VuePress illustrates the relationship between file path and page routing.

Relative Path Page Routing
/README.md /
/guide/README.md /guide/
/config.md /config.html

So when visit the /guide/ page 404 is due to lack of README.md file.

# 3. Why does the sidebar show the file path instead of the file title?

This is because there is no title in your markdown file, there are two ways to generate the title.

  1. add Front Matter (opens new window) title Recommended

    title: Your Title
  2. markdown syntax

    # Level 1 heading
    ## Level 2 heading