# Overview

The plugin provides the following options and lists the default values:

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      sort: {
        mode: "asc",
        readmeFirst: true,
      title: {
        mode: "titlecase",
        map: {}
      sidebarDepth: 1,
      collapse: {
        open: false,
        collapseList: [],
        uncollapseList: []
      ignore: [],
      git: {
        trackStatus: 'all'

# sort

# 1. built-in rules

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      sort: {
        // more options: 
        // `asc`、`desc`、`created_time_asc`、`created_time_desc`
        mode: "asc"

Before using the created_time_asccreated_time_desc options,you should use git (opens new window) to track your file.

# 2. custom rules

When the built-in rules do not meet your needs, you can use the custom mode:

// example: sort according to the last character of the filename
// the filename are `filez-1`、`filed-3` and `filea-1`

const sortFn = (a, b) => {
  const lastA = a.filename.split("-")[1]
  const lastB = b.filename.split("-")[1]
  return lastA > lastB ? 1 : -1

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      sort: {
        mode: 'custom',
        fn: sortFn

If you want to sort according to other attributes of the file,you can visit vuepress-types (opens new window).

# 3. precise sort

Above the sort rules, you also want some-filename sort before or after other-filename,you can use the autoPrev/autoNext in the markdown file.

# 4. value sort(v2.3.0)

More friendly than built-in rules and simpler than precise sort, you can use autoSort in the markdown file.

# title

We always use kebabcase for the filename, but titlecase is more friendly to display on the page.

# 1. built-in mode

module.exports = {
 plugins: {
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      title: {
        // more options: 
        // `default`、`lowercase`、`uppercase`、`capitalize`、`camelcase`、`kebabcase`、`titlecase`
        mode: "titlecase"

If your docs folder as follows:

├── exampleMenu1
│   ├── exampleSubMenu1-a
│   │   └── file1.md
│   ├── exampleSubMenu1-b
│   │   └── file1.md
│   └── exampleSubMenu1-c
│       ├── file1.md
│       ├── file2.md
│       └── file3.md
├── exampleMenu2
│   ├── file1.md
│   └── README.md

And you choose the titlecase,you will get:

exampleSubMenu1-a => Example Sub Menu1 A
exampleSubMenu1-b => Example Sub Menu1 B
exampleSubMenu1-c => Example Sub Menu1 C
exampleMenu2 => Example Menu2

# 2. path map

On the basis of titlecase mode, use the map:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      title: {
        mode: "titlecase",
        map: {
          "/exampleMenu1/exampleSubMenu1-a/": "🎉 Hello Vuepress 🎉",
          "/exampleMenu1/exampleSubMenu1-c/": "🎉 Auto Sidebar 🎉"

And you will get:

exampleSubMenu1-a => 🎉 Hello Vuepress 🎉
exampleSubMenu1-b => Example Sub Menu1 B
exampleSubMenu1-c => 🎉 Auto Sidebar 🎉
exampleMenu2 => Example Menu2

# sidebarDepth

The default depth is 1, which extracts the h2 headers. Setting it to 0 disables the header links, and the max value is 2 which extracts both h2 and h3 headers.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      sidebarDepth: 1,

If you want override for the specified markdown file, you can also use the sidebarDepth.

# collapse

When you have a lot of markdown files, the sidebar will also become bloated, collapse may help you to solve the problem.

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      collapse: {
        open: true

But more often, only some folders will have many files, so you can just fold this part.

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      collapse: {
        collapseList: [

The usage scenario of uncollapseList is the opposite.

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      collapse: {
        open: true,
        uncollapseList: [

# ignore

If you do not want part of markdown files display on the sidebar:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      ignore: [
        // example:
        // ignore files starting with `ignore-` in the `/menu3/menu 3-3/` directory
          menu: "/menu3/menu3-3/",
          regex: "ignore-*"

If you just ignore some file, you can use the autoIgnore in the markdown file.

# removeEmptyGroup

When you configure all files in a folder with autoGroup, it will cause the default group to be empty, and when you want to hide it you can use:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {
      removeEmptyGroup: true

This plugin also provides a way to generate nav.

  1. add the script to the package.json

      "scripts": {
        "docs:nav": "vuepress nav docs"
  2. execute command

    npm run docs:nav

    It will create a nav.js in your .vuepress folder.

  3. require nav file

    const nav = require("./nav.js");
    module.exports = {
      plugins: {
        "vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar": {}
      themeConfig: {

# git

Support from 2.4.0-alpha.4 onwards

VuePress v2 no longer supports dynamic modification of sidebar, you need to configure it manually, but some content is just a draft, do not want to submit directly to Github.
So here's a compromise:

const sidebarConf = require('./sidebar')

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    ["vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar", {
      git: {
        // `add` means that files with `git add` are tracked
        // `commit` means that files with `git commit` are tracked
        trackStatus: 'add' // or 'commit'
  themeConfig: {
    sidebar: sidebarConf